Our Profile

About Us

Aussie bound GPs is a brand new venture based on my many years’ experience in recruiting UK GPs to work in Australia.

With over eleven years’ experience working for a specialist GP recruitment company, it became clear to me that a conventional recruitment model just wasn’t quite working for most UK GPs – they needed much more than a list of vacancies in Australia!  UK GPs considering the move needed someone in the UK to work closely with them on all aspects of making the move, in addition to finding them a job.  And with my experience, I feel I am perfectly placed to offer such a service.

I am an Australian who has lived and travelled widely in Australia, but now reside in the UK.  I love to talk with UK GPs about the various locations in Australia and how the health system works, and I just know that many UK GPs have found this first-hand experience and knowledge invaluable.

But there is more to Aussie Bound GPs than just me!

I work closely with a network of trusted people and organisations: migration agents, removals companies, legal and banking organisations, and most crucially, a network of individuals, agencies and practices in Australia with whom I partner in finding you the perfect job.   Most of these people I have known for many years and we have a good relationship built on mutual trust.

And if you would like to know a little more about me… 

I live with my English husband and my big black Curly Coated Retriever in a beautiful village in Dorset where I love to spend time in the garden, which is a passion of mine.  I am also a musician – pianist and singer – and I sing with one of London’s leading choirs and direct a local male voice group of singers. 

I love life, I love people, and I love helping people get the most out of their own lives. 

I would love to help you realise your Australian dream!

Raelene Stanley-Ware

Founder and director

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How We work

We start by listening.  We do not assume – we need to hear your story and your plans for the future.  Everyone has some complexity or another and it is our ability to understand and work with those complexities that separates us out from those focused on filling jobs.  Only when we understand your brief fully will we begin to explore the job opportunities.     

Through years of work in this industry, we have developed a strong network of practices, healthcare facilities and agencies in Australia.  We have chosen to work with the very best of the bunch – those we believe can give you the best jobs and will look after you well.  We work closely with these organisations to ensure your transition to Australia is seamless. 

Your dream is our brief!  Talk to us today about your  dreams for moving down under.  From finding your perfect GP job to starting work in Australia, we’ll be with you all the way!

What we offer

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Job placement

We work with a network of agencies and healthcare facilities throughout Australia to match you with the right job opportunities to fit your qualifications and lifestyle preferences.

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Registration to practice in Australia

The registration process is fraught with complexities. With decades of experience behind us, we know the pitfalls and will guide you through the process efficiently to ensure you take up your new job in a timely manner.

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Visa support

GPs from the UK now have a number of visa options for working in Australia. We will put you in touch with our qualified visa specialist who will guide you through the process to ensure you meet the requirements to work in Australia.

Going somewhere?

Relocation support

We will advise and recommend one of our team of trusted relocation specialists to assist you and your family with all aspects of relocating to Australia, from transporting your goods, your family and pets, and on arrival, to choosing housing and schooling. Whatever you need, we will be there to support.

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Cultural guidance

We provide cultural training and resources to help doctors adjust to the Australian way of life and understand local customs and practices.


Ongoing support

On arrival in Australia we will offer you ongoing support to ensure you settle into your new job and life quickly, and help you make the most of your opportunities. We will liaise with the employing practice to ensure you are offered training and support to settle into the practice and to maximise your earning potential.